Help & FAQ

Welcome to Our FAQ

We have answers to all your questions. Kindly go through our list of questions and answers relating to all you need to know about Cashplanet “Home Sweet Home Raffle” 

What’s the Home Sweet Home Raffle?

The Home Sweet Raffle is an initiative by the Cash Planet Ghana Limited in partnership with the National Lotteries Authority (NLA) that gives all Ghanaians 18 years of age or older the opportunity to win a 3-bedroom semi-detached house and other consolation

How do I play?

You can play either by dialing *920*33# or by downloading the Home Sweet Home app on play store to purchase tokens at GHC 10 each.

How much is a token?

Tokens can be purchased at a cost of GHC 10.

What’s the short code for the raffle?


How do I download the app?

You can download the app on Play Store or simply clicking this link: https://xxxxxxxxxx

Is it possible to stake once and win?

Yes, it is possible to stake once and win. However, you increase your chances of winning if you stake more.

Can I stake multiple times?

Yes. You can stake as many times as you want. Remember that the more you stake the higher your chances of winning

How is a winner selected?

Cash Planet Limited in Partnership with the National Lotteries Authority has
developed a winner selection process on the Caritas platform. Winners will be selected at random. Participants who play more stand a better chance of winning.

Is my token valid for the mini and the main draw?

Tokens purchased are valid for both the mini and the mega draw.

How do I get my prize?

Cash Planet Ghana will text or call you when you win a prize, but if you are not contacted by the organizers, you can contact us on our toll-free number to commence the claiming process.

Can someone else pick up my prize on my behalf?

No. You will need to pick up prizes on your own making sure to provide all necessary documents to confirm your identity as the true winner and recipient of the prize.

Can I use multiple networks to buy a token?

Yes, you can use multiple networks to buy a token as long the networks are registered and linked to your Ghana Card.

Do I have the opportunity to choose my prize in the mini draw?

Prizes for the mini draw will be chosen based on the sole discretion of the organizers (Cash Planet Ghana Limited)

What are the tax obligations on my prize?

Winners are responsible for all applicable taxes, fees, and other expenses associated with each prize.




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